Friday 19 June 2015



Hello there! Welcome to our blog! Our names are Aaron Ho and Rohan Phang. I, Aaron, am from Malaysia. My hobby is game testing and I wish to become a trader. My idol is Nelson Mandela because he fought for African independence although he was locked up in jail for over 20 years. And I am Rohan, also from Malaysia.My hobby is designing buildings and later building them out of bricks, along with my dad.And I also enjoy drawing. In the future, I wish to become an architect. My idol is Keith Harring because he brought art and turned it into a new level which made art so interesting. 

This blog is actually an assignment by our English Teacher. We will post our assignments and other things here. 

In this blog,you may ask us questions ( Either normal questions or FAQS) and we will answer it.

Hello, I am Aaron Ho or you guys may call me Obama. The reason why I call myself Obama is because Obama is my idol and I respect him for what he has done to make America a incredible country.

I have done a lot of travelling in my life as I have visited many countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, America, China and so on. I enjoy travelling as I get the opportunity to see the incredible landmarks, taste the mouth watering food and meet new people.

I also enjoy playing video games such as Call Of Duty and Minecraft. The game that holds a special place in my heart is Hearthstone. I have played in many tournaments across the globe. The biggest tournament I have been to has to be Blizzcon 2014. I competed in the Hearthstone competition and even got a first look at the highly anticipated Overwatch.

Rohan Kit Phang

Hello, my name is Rohan Phang. I am often referred to as a "LOSER" because I support Liverpool in the Barclays Football Premier League. However, that does not offend me.

I have always dreamed of becoming an architect since I was in standard 2. Wherever I go, I would usually keep a sketchbook with me and whenever a certain design catches my eye, I would quickly sketch it out in my sketchbook and then later on  draw it on paper.

I also LOVE television. But for me, television does not mean cartoons like Simpson and Family Guy, but for me, television means crime series,thrillers and horror movies. I am a super fan of the series"NCIS". Some other shows I enjoy watching are "The Chase" , " Castle " and " Mega factories".

And lastly, I love to eat! If you put a plate of chicken curry or mutton curry in front of me, I would finish it all within ten minutes. Some of my favourite cuisines  are Indian, Malay and Western.

Have fun!
Rohan and Aaron

1 comment:

  1. Good start. I hope to hear more from you both. You don't have to keep it too formal.
